Thursday, November 1, 2018

2019 12-Step AA Meetings in Colorado

A chalkboard with AA meeting times at a homeless shelter in Boulder, CO.


Colorado AA Meetings

Over 1,000 dates and locations for recovery meetings in Colorado in 2019. Most of these meetings are AA meetings, but on occasion NA/CA meetings might be scheduled, so be sure to contact the organizations, facility, or person who can give you the most up-to-date information before you go if that's important for you. In 2014 I was in a situation where I was "required" to attend recovery meetings but I had never been to one and it was more stress on me than it needed to be. If someone "requiring" me to attend recovery meetings had even handed me one-single scrap of paper with an address and time it would have been more than enough to get me started.

A sad reality that set in over these few years is that people overwhelmingly do the wrong things for the wrong reasons and enjoy watching people struggle. I don't mean two addicts, or two people struggling with mental health issues, or two people who are homeless I mean the people who gravitate towards working in positions that deal with those types of things almost never seem to be doing what they're doing for anyone other than themselves, and they know that "the least among us" really translates into "who are they going to believe, me or you"? With that, here are some meetings that will hopefully set you much further down the path towards your recovery than I was able to start from.

  1. Colorado AA Meetings backup source PDF 
  2. Colorado AA Meetings backup source LinkedIn 
  3. Denver Donate Diigo

  1. Ready to Work Boulder
  2. Denver News and Resources for the Homeless
  3. Boulder AA Meetings
  4. Aurora AA Meetings
  5. 2019 Colorado AA Meetings
  6. Ready to Work in Boulder Colorado
  7. Boulder Homeless Shelter 
  8. Step 13 Denver
  9. Ready Work Boulder
  10. Ready to Work address
  11. Bridge House Boulder's Program for the Homeless
Phone: 720..621..5811 & 303..442..8300

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